People expect kids to be happy and healthy - but not all kids are.
- Danii, Kayne’s mum
Bouncy, bright-eyed Kayne was a typically playful and curious toddler - until he started displaying worrying symptoms. Mum, Danii, took him to the local hospital time and time again, only to be told it was 'just reflux' - until one day, she refused to leave without an answer.

Something's wrong
Shortly before he turned two, a normally happy and playful Kayne suddenly became unsteady on his feet. He would sit up and vomit in the morning and screamed in pain at night
I knew something wasn't right - but I never thought it could be cancer
- Danii, Kayne’s mum

A nightmare wait
A CT scan at the local hospital revealed a mass in Kayne's cerebellum and he was put straight into intensive care. Danii had to wait six agonising weeks for the pathology results.
Those six weeks were a living nightmare. Kayne had to learn to walk all over again.
- Danii, Kayne's mum

Kayne was diagnosed with an Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumour (AT/RT) - a very rare type of brain cancer. He was rushed to Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick for emergency surgery.
I was told that if Kayne's tumour had been left untreated, he would have only had two weeks to live.
- Danii, Kayne's mum

Kayne suffered through a gruelling 18 months of chemotherapy and multiple brain surgeries. Danii stayed by his side for every heartbreaking moment of it all. Tragically, the very treatment that saved Kayne's life left him with permanent brain damage
Enough is enough. We have to give these children a better quality of life.
- Dr Joshua McCarroll, Research Leader

Kayne today
Kayne is now 11 years old but the treatment that saved his life, also changed it forever.
He can't chase after a soccer ball with his friends and he struggles to join in with their jokes. His treatment affected his balance and motor skills as well as his speech and hearing.
You can help protect children like Kayne from lifelong side effects.
Kayne is one of a staggering 70% of children cancer survivors who suffer lifelong side effects from their cancer treatment. Children like Kayne deserve more. We must find safer, better treatments for these children.
We have the researchers, the technology and a passionate team determined to make this happen. All we need now, is your support.
Share your story
Have you been touched by childhood cancer and would like to share your story? Please get in touch today.