The story of a child's life shouldn't include cancer. Those children who survive their cancer often have lifelong side-effects. The fear of it lurks in every unexplained pain, every sniffle. Life is never truly carefree again.
We can and we will find a cure. But we need to work together. A gift in your Will has the power to change the world for these children. It is a legacy of hope. You can help bring back the joy into so many young lives.
Would you like to learn more? Please call Gayle Hannan in our Supporter Engagement Team on 02 7209 6708 or email Gayle at

June and Anthony Payne
"Our happy and seemingly healthy 7-year-old son, David, was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in 1976. A rare cancer considered virtually incurable at the time; we were told David had only months to live.
"David defied these odds and today is a healthy 50-year-old who appreciates every day of his life. Leaving a gift in our Will to Children’s Cancer Institute demonstrates not only our gratitude but also reinforces our desire to see the fight continue, to eradicate all childhood cancer and the immense heartbreak and stress that goes with it."
Making or updating your Will
Step 1 – Have a chat
Call Gayle Hannan in our Supporter Engagement Team on 02 7209 6708 or email her Gayle can walk you through the process, answer any of your questions and post or email you our Gift in will booklet.
Step 2 – Talk to your solicitor
Contact your solicitor to update your will to include a gift to Children’s Cancer Institute.
Naturally you will want to take care of your family and loved ones first, making sure they are well looked after. Your solicitor will be able to help guide you on the best way to do this.
Your gift to Children’s Cancer Institute could take one of a variety of forms:
- the whole of your estate
- a percentage (%) of your estate
- the residue (or %) residue of your estate
- a specific amount ($)
- a specific asset
It's important that Children’s Cancer Institute is correctly named in your Will. Below is some wording for you to consider and share with your solicitor:
I give to Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (ABN 41 072 279 559) my gift of (specify gift here eg X % of my estate) free of all duties and testamentary expenses for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of that organisation shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.
Information for your solicitor
Step 3 – Let us know
Please let us know if you decide to include a gift to Children's Cancer Institute in your will so we can welcome you to our ever growing and very special family, each determined to put an end to childhood cancer.
Can we help?
Call Gayle Hannan in our Supporter Engagement Team on 02 7209 6708 or email Gayle can walk you through the process, answer any of your questions and post or email you our gift in will booklet.
Have you been thinking about writing a Will but just not sure where to start? Let us make it easy for you.
We've partnered with Gathered Here, to offer our supporters a free online Will. In just 10 minutes, you can make important preparations for your loved ones and pledge a gift in your Will to Children's Cancer Institute. Even a gift as little as 1% of your estate can change the story of a child with cancer.
Thank you
We honour the kindness of those who left children with cancer gifts in their Estate. Whilst we cannot thank them in person, we have let their loved ones know of our deep gratitude and will continue to share the impact their lasting gift will have on childhood cancer research.
On behalf of the children and families you are providing hope to – thank you.
Gifts through estates
An acknowledgement to those who have left a gift in their will over recent years.
Gifted Estates in 2021:
Joe Axiak |
Richard Borham |
Geoffrey Burfoot |
Cynthia Carruthers |
Olive Carter |
Sylvia Chilton |
Betty Davies |
Heather Margaret Swanson Dirou |
Betty Margaret Duggan |
Bruce A Edwards |
Frederick Fiegert |
Valda Lois Hickey |
E A Hulst |
John & Connie Kennedy Charitable Trust |
Wendy Kinna |
Gabrielle Kirby |
Dawn Vilma Manley |
Mavis Irene McArthur |
Bob & Gert Memorial Fund Munro |
Rita Palmer |
Joan D Pearce |
Vincent Pengilly |
Lorna Beryl Presland |
Nigel Graham Reeve |
Wanda Stam |
Alan Herbert Thompson |
Kathleen Woolridge |
Gifted Estates in 2022:
Keith Anderson |
Maureen Joseph |
Clare Baker |
John William Boyle |
Kathleen Perle Clements |
Jan M Connor |
Betty Davies |
Mary Jane Derrick |
Laurel Barbara Dooley |
Isabella Grant |
Gwendoline Joan Hicks |
John & Connie Kennedy Charitable Trust |
Gwenneth Vera Kirtley |
Shirley Kirton |
Denis Klein |
Josephus Lommers |
Frederick Edward Lyford |
Dawn Vilma Manley |
Tito Marchetti |
Lorna Elizabeth Masters |
Mavis Irene McArthur |
Bob & Gert Memorial Fund Munro |
Norma Osborne |
Maurice Sidney Pembroke |
Frank G Salmon |
Holly Smith |
Raymond Stoneham |
Evan Taplin |
Anthony Taylor |
Wilfred Richard Tuck |
Aileen margaret Walliss |
Kathleen Woolridge |
Gifted Estates in 2023:
Richard Paul Alunni |
Jack Anastas |
Joe Axiak |
Patricia Borham |
Camelia Cantsilieris |
Helen Antoinette Davies |
Walter Goodwin |
Hilda Hadjiandreou |
Helga Herling |
Gwendoline Joan Hicks |
Stewart Hill |
Dorothy May Jones |
John & Connie Kennedy Charitable Trust |
Denis Klein |
John E Lockeridge |
Egon Franz Lorber |
Dorothy Ethel Marley |
Bob & Gert Memorial Fund Munro |
Heather New |
Daphne Novak |
Ena Margaret Paterson |
Estate Marion Robey |
Nigel Scott-Miller |
Margaret E Shaw |
Bruce Shephard |
Holly Smith |
Kathleen Smith |
Elizabeth Margaret White |
Peter Charles Whitsed |

Although the thought of relapse is definitely nerve-wracking, we just keep reminding ourselves of the goals we've kicked because Harper has responded so well to her treatment. Thank you so much Children's Cancer Institute for your relentless efforts to find treatments and a cure for childhood cancer.”
- Eliza, Harper’s mum
Read Harper's story

How are funds used?
Research & scientific activities to help cure childhood cancer. |
Last year, 84 cents of every dollar spent within the Institute was spent on dedicated research to help cure childhood cancer. |
Fundraising activity to generate donations and increase funding |
Core support services & infrastructure cost, vital to keep the Institute running |