Donating to Children’s Cancer Insititute in memory of a loved one is a meaningful and special way to honour their life.
Cancer is a merciless disease. In a child, it is heartbreakingly cruel. Those who survive often have lifelong side-effects. The fear of it lurks in every unexplained pain, every sniffle. Life is never truly carefree again.
We can and we will find a cure. But we need to work together.
A gift in memory can help bring back the joy into so many young lives, whilst offering such a wonderful tribute to someone special in your life.
Types of in memorium gifts

Direct donations
You can make a direct donation in memory of a loved one on our website.
You can include the name of the deceased you are donating in memory of and leave a message and/or details of who we can write to and notify of your gift in memory.
Donate in memory

Donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral
Many families choose to request that funeral guests make a donation to Children’s Cancer Institute instead of sending flowers. This is a very special way to make a long-lasting difference and join us in our goal of putting an end to childhood cancer.
See below how to do this for your loved one’s funeral and our recommended wording to use in your order of service.

Donations via a tribute page
If you would like to invite a larger group to donate, we can also set up a tribute page for your loved one, where you can invite friends and family to make an online donation, and leave a personal message.
Contact Gayle Hannan on 02 7209 6708 or inmemorygiving@ccia.org.au to find out more about how we can help you with a tribute page.
How to arrange memorial giving at a funeral

Donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral
The suggested way to notify funeral guests of your wishes for memorial gifts in lieu of flowers is to include a message in the funeral notice. Your funeral director will assist you with this, but please feel free to use our recommended wording:
“In lieu of flowers, donations in memory can be made to Children’s Cancer Institute, PO Box 81, Randwick NSW 2031.”
We can also provide you with a link to our website and QR code to give your guests the option to make their donation online.

Donation envelopes for your funeral guests
Children's Cancer Insititute can also provide donation envelopes for the guests attending your loved one’s funeral. With support from your funeral director, you can place these at the entrance of the funeral service. Once the envelopes have been collected, please send them through to Children’s Cancer Institute for processing and receipting.
Need help?
Call Gayle Hannan on (02) 7209 6708 or email us inmemorygiving@ccia.org.au