Hello my name is Molly Bremner and I am 10 years old. My sister Phoebe died 10 years ago on the 9th October 2009. She had brain cancer and was only 7 months old. I never got to meet my sister.
I met an amazing man called Andre Jones and he has inspired me to raise money in memory of my sister.
I want to raise as much money as I can so I can give the money to the Children's Cancer Institute to help in the research to help cure childhood brain cancer.
You can follow my progress on Facebook (@mollysrunforphoebe) or Instagram (mollys_run_for_phoebe).
Thank you for supporting me!
Molly xxx
Kerri-Anne Bourke just donated $26.38
Lynette just donated $52.20
Joan Lyons just donated $208.80
Anthony Owen just donated $31.32
Isabelle Jiang just donated $5.22
Alexandra JIANG just donated $5.22
Leonard Factor just donated $60
Anonymous just donated $164
CDB Group, Mark and Andrew just donated $10,800
Ally Pape just donated $105
Brooke Stratton just donated $26.25
Mary Ann/Rachelle Jordan just donated $52.50
Heather Wilson just donated $26.25
Hayley and Tony Jeffries just donated $52.50
Chris & Rebekah just donated $105
Rory Wood just donated $50
Mummy and Daddy just donated $1,000
Pearson Family just donated $26.25
Christine Bates just donated $26.25
Michael Grayling just donated $100
A big thank you to our Supporters
The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Kerri-anne Bourke

Lynette Street

Joan Lyons

Anthony Owen

Isabelle Jiang
God Bless You and Your Family. Amen!

Alexandra Jiang
God Bless You and Your Family. :)

Leonard Factor

Keep on smiling and never give up!

Cdb Group, Mark And Andrew
Well done Molly on this fantastic, inspirational effort. You have given so many of our team the motivation to get out and run in support of you and your goal. From the whole CDB team across NZ and AUS!

Ally Pape
Great job Molly. Very inspiring

Brooke Stratton
Well done Molly! What you are doing is truly inspiring!

Mary Ann/rachelle Jordan
Well done Molly, family and friends.

Heather Wilson
Molly you are a legend and an inspiration to all. Well done and never give up on chasing your dreams!

Hayley And Tony Jeffries
Well done Molly!! What an amazing thing you have for this incredible cause. We thought of you and your family on our walk over the weekend. Hayley and Tony NZ xx

Chris & Rebekah
Love the commitment and cause Molly

Rory Wood
Well done Molly and the Bremner’s! Sorry we couldn’t make it :(

Mummy And Daddy
We are super proud of your commitment and dedication to this amazing cause. Words cannot express how humbling it has been to see the positive impact you have made to so many people. A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart, your sister would be so proud!

Pearson Family
Well done Molly! You are truely amazing & an inspiration

Christine Bates

Michael Grayling

Molly’s Run For Phoebe - Run Day Collection Box

Blanch Family
Go Molly!

Melina Dieni
You are an amazing girl Molly!

Julie Cook
What a champ! Hope to see your name on Olympic team one day.

Marcus And Phoebe Wardley
Congratulations Molly on your hard work - we are very happy to help such a worthwhile cause. Great effort!!.

Ash Mcdowall
Good on you Molly!

Andrew Stal
Dear Bremner family Molly your strength and determination is commendable. Thank you giving us the opportunity to join you on this special event

Pamela Kelly
Well done on today's efforts. Keep up the good work.

Harris Family

Trish Lourensz
Well done! From Roman & Indie Iskra

Sam And Georgia Meehan
Well done Molly.

Chase, Tate And Greta
Good luck today Molly, such an amazing achievement xx

Birgitta, Matilda And Antonia
Go Molly! Love your determination and persistence!

Aunty Sharon Whana
God bless you Molly xo

Nina, Archie & Matilda
Good luck Molly We think you’re amazing! See you on the day ❤️

Hounsell Family

April Chan

Silvana Pannia
Well done

Lisa Kaeser
Go Molly...you are inspirational!!!

Emily Gorfine

Andrea B
A tiny girl making a huge positive impact and a ginormous inspiration! #girlpower

Siobhan Chandler


Rachel Pellow
All the best Molly. From Abby, Charlotte and Ryan Pellow at Keilor Little Aths

Justine Carroll
Go Molly!!

Bombers Little Athletics Team
Bombers Little Aths is proud to give their support to this inspirational young champion. And congratulations on reaching - and exceeding - your fundraising target. Go Molly!

Clare Meyerhoff

Anne Johnston
Thank you Molly for caring so much about children like Phoebe - you are showing us all the way to live life.

Mandy & Justin
Way to go Molly! Such an amazing, beautiful thing you are doing xo

Leya And Tiana
You are such an inspiration for us Molly we are so proud of you xo

Veronica H
You go girl! Amazing

Helen Gallagher

Claire Rodda Rodda
Well done Molly.... you are an inspiration and I'm sure your beautiful sister is Looking down smiling ! You should be so very proud of yourself 💗

John Kenny
Such a wonderful thing you are doing Molly, absolutely amazing. Good luck with your run on the day and in the future.

Kylie Baker

Well done Molly you are raising money for such a good cause.

Aleisha Waldron
Go Molly your such a good friend and you can do this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am very proud of you. From Aleisha Waldron (and family)

Sarah Witherspoon
What an inspirational young lady. Well done & very good luck to you :)

Wish you good luck Molly you are brave and can get through this I am so proud to have a friend like you. 🤗

Riley Saddington
It’s an amazing thing you are doing for your sister Molly. Good luck with the run, from Riley Saddington (and my family). ❤️

Gayle Hannan
Very inspiring, congratulations Molly.

Andrew Brooker
Molly, you are an inspiration to your friends and a credit to your family. May Phoebe’s memory live on through your devotion to help cure this terrible disease. You go girl!!!!

Sue Shinners


Mahza Ahadiwand

Leigh Hansen
What an amazing sister you are Molly x

Sally Hosken
Beautiful work Molly, you are a sweetheart. Pheobe would be proud

Thomas Cudmore
Bless you. I have lost half my family to cancer and am so proud that you are Phoebe's champion. More than financial support, you inspire my self and others to do be more proactive. Thank you Molly

Molly you were so amazing on Studio 10 this morning - what a superstar!!

Good luck Molly! You’re an inspiration!


Lucy Bremner
You are a little superstar. Keep training and I will be there at the finish line cheering you on!

Happy Birthday Molly! Keep going, you've got this

Pam And Rhiannon
You are inspirational Molly. We love following you on FB from Pam and Rhiannon Kelly

Henry Cheffins
Good job molly you really care about your sister by doing this, your a legend (:

Natalie Roberts
Run strong for your sister little champ xx

20 Sapphire Street
We love what you are doing and we look forward to following your journey. Xx

Josie Orlando
Good luck Molly, we are so proud of you and cheering you on! Love from Emily Orlando and family.

Jennah & Alyssa Coleman
Go Molly GO! Well done on your training in really tough situations. Goodluck on your run.

I met you today out on my run. You're amazing and inspirational! Wishing you all the best!

Ben Carroll
We all need a little bit of inspiration at the moment and Molly your are providing it.

Rox And Jef Mason
Best of Luck Molly, we're so proud of you. xx

Megan @ Dental Associates
Keep on smiling!

Finlay Family
Go Molly!

Nab Trls Team
We are all so proud of you !!!

Sue And Geoff Davis
Inspirational! What an amazing girl you are. All the best for the run.

Emma, Mim And Vanessa
We wish you the best of luck, Molly.

Vin & Jude Comito
Simply awesome. Go for it Molly!!

Ashleigh Richardson
Very inspirational! Goodluck!

Alan And Christine
We are very proud of you, Molly!

Sarah Busuttil Palmer & Silas Palmer
Go Molly! This is an incredible way to honour your sister and help advance medical research.

Dorian Jones
That is wonderful, good on you!

We'll be cheering for you. Your sis Phoebe will be there with you every step! From a MYO parent.


Scarlette Strickland
So proud of you!

Tracy Thompson
Happy to support an inspiring young lady achieve such a worthy goal. You go Molly!

Good on you Molly---i wish you plenty of strength and endurance---God bless you

Sharon From Woolworths
Such an amazing girl

Keith Sheedy
What a wonderful way to acknowledge the memory of your sister Phoebe.

Craig Roberts
5:45 Parkside runners are cheering for you Molly! Good luck!
What a beautiful way to remember the sister you didn't get to meet and to honour your parents' grief x